import Numeric.Hamilton (stepHam, System, Phase (Phs, phsPositions, phsMomenta), mkSystem', Config (cfgPositions, cfgVelocities, Cfg), toPhase)
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat)
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Static hiding ((#))
import qualified Data.Vector.Sized as V
import Control.Monad.Bayes.Class
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Control.Monad.Bayes.Sampler.Strict
import Control.Monad
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding (normal)
import Diagrams.Prelude (V2(..), (#))
import qualified Diagrams.Backend.Cairo as C
import Data.List
:e PatternSynonyms
:e ViewPatterns
:e RankNTypes
:e DataKinds
:e FlexibleContexts
:e GADTs
-- helper functions
pattern V1 :: a -> V.Vector 1 a
pattern V1 x <- (V.head->x)
V1 x = V.singleton x
type V2 = V.Vector 2
pattern V2 :: a -> a -> V2 a
pattern V2 x y <- (V.toList->[x,y])
V2 x y = V.fromTuple (x, y)
fromDouble :: Double -> (R 1)
fromDouble = fromList . (:[])
toDouble :: R 1 -> Double
toDouble = read . take 8 . tail . show
There's a number of ways a physics simulator could be used in a probabilistic context. The simplest is to have a prior over initial states, and evolve a system forward.
As an example, here we use the hamilton
classical physics engine in Haskell, which is a very simple, but coordinate independent, physics simulator.
We can define a 1D harmonic oscillator like:
system1 :: (System 1 1)
system1 = mkSystem' 1
(\(V1 x) -> x ** 2 / 2)
system2 :: (System 1 1)
system2 = mkSystem' 1
(\(V1 x) -> x ** 2)
-- we could have uncertainty over the Hamiltonian itself, but let's not for now
system = uniformD [system1]
-- double pendulum
-- mkSystem' (vec2 1 1 ) -- masses
-- (\(V1 θ) -> V2 (sin θ) (0.5 - cos θ)) -- coordinates
-- (\(V2 _ y) -> y ) -- potential
-- ex :: (KnownNat m, KnownNat n) => System
-- m n
-- -> Phase n
-- -> Phase n
and an initial distribution over phase space:
phase :: MonadDistribution m => m (Phase 1)
phase = do
pos <- (20*) <$> random
return $ Phs {phsPositions = fromDouble pos, phsMomenta = 10}
is then a distribution over paths of the system, numerically evolved forward according to the oscillator Hamiltonian.
pushforward :: MonadDistribution m => m [Double]
pushforward = do
initial <- phase
sys <- system
let new = [stepHam stepSize sys initial | stepSize <- [0.1,0.2..10]]
return (toDouble . phsPositions <$> initial:new)
pairs <- sampler $ replicateM 30 pushforward
toD x = translateX x $ circle 1
diagram $ vsep 0.1 $ [mconcat $ toD <$> x | x <- transpose pairs]
Time is the y-axis of this diagram, going downwards. Each circle is a sampled position of the oscillating particle. You can see that this has the nice property that all the uncertainty disappears at certain points, which is exactly what you'd expect from an oscillator.