:e ImportQualifiedPost
:e FlexibleContexts
:e BlockArguments
:e TupleSections
:e FlexibleContexts
:e OverloadedStrings
:e LambdaCase
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.Text (pack)
import Control.Monad
import Numeric.Log
import Control.Monad.Bayes.Class
import Control.Monad.Bayes.Enumerator
import Control.Monad.Bayes.Weighted
import Control.Monad.Bayes.Sampler.Strict
import Control.Monad.Bayes.Integrator
:l ../plotting.hs
This serves as an interactive alternative to the user guide. This isn't intended as a tutorial to Haskell, but if you're familiar with probabilistic programming, the general flow of the code should look familiar.
To get a sense of how probabilistic programming with monad-bayes works, consider the following:
model :: MonadMeasure m => Double -> m Double
model observation = do
mean <- uniformD [-1, 0, 1]
factor (normalPdf mean 1 observation)
return mean
The idea of monad-bayes, and probabilistic programming languages in general is to define distributions as programs. model
corresponds to the distribution that you would express mathematically as:
As a program, you can think of model
as doing the following:
(that's the line mean <- uniformD [-1, 0, 1]
)then score a draw higher according to the likelihood placed on observation
(the argument to model
) by a normal with $\mu$=mean
then return the mean
To orient you on the relationship between the mathematical view of a distribution and the programming one, here are some notes:
has type MonadMeasure m => m a
and b
is a distribution over a tuple: MonadMeasure m => m (a, b)
conditioned on values of type b
is a function into a distribution:
MonadMeasure m => b -> m a
For example, if the value observed is $0.3$, then we can calculate the distribution over the mean:
inferredDistribution = enumerator $ model 0.3
plot (first (pack . show) <$> inferredDistribution)
To produce this plot, we performed inference, to obtain the exact form of the distribution represented by model
. Because the only random variable in model
had a support that was small and discrete (the set $\{-1, 0, 1\}$), performing this inference exactly was straightforward.
is an exact inference method offered by monad-bayes targeted as discrete distributions.
You are encouraged to change model
in a number of ways and observe how the results change:
uniformD [-1, 0, 1]
)factor (normalPdf mean 1 observation)
)If you are familiar with Haskell, then it should be clear that the class of distributions you can express in this way is very broad, since we have monadic control flow. For example, you could build:
lengthDist :: MonadMeasure m => Double -> m Int
lengthDist observation = do
means <- replicateM 3 (model observation)
return (length $ filter (>=1) means)
only works for discrete random variables (like categorical or bernoulli distributions).
For continuous distributions, there is almost a (near) exact inference algorithm, which performs numerical integration. It is defined in Control.Monad.Bayes.Integrator
, which also provides histogram
Given an observation, this is the probability on how many (out of 3) independent draws from the posterior of the model conditioned on the observation will be greater or equal to 1. Consider the hassle of defining this with an equation, and you'll see why probabilistic programming is appealing as a way of accelerating modelling and inference.
enumerator $ lengthDist 0.5
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Text as T
plot $ Control.Monad.Bayes.Integrator.histogram 45 0.2 (normal 0 1)
This will work for any distribution in principle, but in practice it is unfeasibly slow for complex distributions. That said, quite a few interesting distributions can be expressed, like this mixture of Gaussians:
model2 = do
p <- bernoulli 0.2
if p then normal 10 1 else normal (-5) 5
plot $ Control.Monad.Bayes.Integrator.histogram 250 0.2 model2
Or this normal distribution restricted to the positive reals (i.e. $p(x) \propto N(x;0,4)\cdot I[x>0]$)
model3 :: MonadMeasure m => m Double
model3 = do
x <- normal 0 4
condition (x > 0)
return x
plot $ Control.Monad.Bayes.Integrator.histogram 100 0.5 model3
Or this unusual distribution with $p(x) \propto N(x;0,4)*e^{cos(x)}$:
model4 :: MonadMeasure m => m Double
model4 = do
x <- normal 0 10
factor $ Exp (cos x )
return x
plot $ Control.Monad.Bayes.Integrator.histogram 400 0.1 model4
We can also plot CDFs, as in:
plot $ plotCdf 70 0.1 0 (normal 0 1 + gamma 1 1)
If you are familiar with Haskell, then it should be clear that the class of distributions you can express by writing probabilistic programs is very broad, since m
is a monad. For example, you can use fmap
to apply a function to the support of the distribution, like:
mapped :: MonadMeasure m => m Bool
mapped = fmap (> 0) (model 0.5)
And you can use the standard set of monadic and applicative combinators, like when
, filterM
or replicateM
lengthDist :: MonadMeasure m => Double -> m Int
lengthDist observation = do
means <- replicateM 3 (model observation)
return (length $ filter (>=1) means)
Given an observation, this is the probability on how many (out of 3) independent draws from the posterior of the model conditioned on the observation will be greater or equal to 1. Consider the hassle of defining this with an equation, and you'll see why probabilistic programming is appealing as a way of accelerating modelling and inference.
enumerate $ lengthDist 0.5
plot $ fmap (first (pack . show)) $ enumerate $ lengthDist 0.99
plot $ fmap (first (pack . show)) $ enumerator $ lengthDist 0.001
Exact sampling is pretty limited. For models with continuous random variables, or large discrete ones, it is a no-go.
The broader goal is to be able to define your distribution of interest, like model
, and then apply different inference technique, usually approximate, to it. This is what monad-bayes (and other probabilistic programming languages) enable. See the following tutorials for details.