:e BlockArguments
:e LambdaCase
:e OverloadedStrings
import Data.Aeson.Lens
import Control.Lens hiding (nth, (#))
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Control.Monad.Bayes.Class
import Control.Monad.Bayes.Sampler.Strict
import Control.Monad.Bayes.Weighted
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Text.Pretty.Simple
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Monad
Lenses are getters and setters, i.e. ways of extracting a value from inside a data structure or updating that value.
Because of their type in the Haskell lens
library, namely forall f. (a -> f b) -> (c -> f d)
, we can specialize f
to MonadDistribution m => m
, and so use any lens to probabilistically update a data structure's elements in complex ways.
As an example of how easy and extensible this, we provide some examples using lenses to manipulate a JSON file. This relies on the aeson
and lens-aeson
json <- fromMaybe undefined . decode <$> B.readFile "../file.json" :: IO Value
pPrintCustom = pPrintOpt CheckColorTty defaultOutputOptionsNoColor {outputOptionsCompact = True, outputOptionsIndentAmount = 2}
pPrintCustom json
Object ( fromList [ ( "address" , Object ( fromList [ ( "id", Number 5.4 ), ( "streetAddress", String "21 2nd Street" ) ] ) ) , ( "age", Number 27.0 ) , ( "height", Number 1.5 ) , ( "isAlive", Bool True ) , ( "name", String "John" ) ] )
For example, if I have a function that randomly flips a boolean or a function that puts noise into a string, like
randomlyFlip :: MonadDistribution m => Bool -> m Bool
randomlyFlip True = bernoulli 0.01
randomlyFlip False = bernoulli 0.9
noisifyString :: MonadDistribution m => T.Text -> m T.Text
noisifyString t = fmap T.pack $ forM (T.unpack t) $ \letter -> do
x <- bernoulli 0.2
if x then uniformD "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" else return letter
then I can use it to update the "isAlive" value as follows, using the lens (_Object . traverse . _Bool)
which points to the json object's list of element's boolean element:
pPrintCustom =<< sampleIOfixed ((_Object . traverse . _Bool) randomlyFlip json)
Object ( fromList [ ( "address" , Object ( fromList [ ( "id", Number 5.4 ), ( "streetAddress", String "21 2nd Street" ) ] ) ) , ( "age", Number 27.0 ) , ( "height", Number 1.5 ) , ( "isAlive", Bool False ) , ( "name", String "John" ) ] )
Using the Plated
instance of json values, I can do more powerful operations, like updating all doubles, bools and strings at arbitrarily nested positions in the json
jsonDist :: Distribution Value
jsonDist =
((transformM . _Double) (\case x -> normal x 0.001) >=>
(transformM . _Bool) randomlyFlip >=>
(transformM . _String) noisifyString
pPrintCustom =<< sampleIOfixed (unweighted jsonDist)
Object ( fromList [ ( "address" , Object ( fromList [ ( "id", Number 5.398324403347256605911752558313310146331787109375 ) , ( "streetAddress", String "21 fnd Stredt" ) ] ) ) , ( "age", Number 27.001264842576262026341282762587070465087890625 ) , ( "height" , Number 1.5021398495523310412380624256911687552928924560546875 ) , ( "isAlive", Bool False ) , ( "name", String "lohn" ) ] )