Streaming libraries in Haskell exist to represent streams of data where each incoming datapoint may involve a side-effect.
In this notebook, we'll use the pipes
library, which is not the fastest streaming library, but is simple and easy to use.
:e ImportQualifiedPost
:e FlexibleContexts
:e BlockArguments
:e TupleSections
:e FlexibleContexts
:e OverloadedStrings
:e LambdaCase
import Control.Monad.Bayes.Class
import Control.Monad.Bayes.Enumerator
import Control.Monad.Bayes.Weighted
import Control.Monad.Bayes.Sampler.Strict
import Control.Monad.Bayes.Density.Free
import Control.Monad.Bayes.Population
import Control.Monad.Bayes.Sequential.Coroutine
import Control.Monad.Bayes.Inference.SMC
import qualified Graphics.Vega.VegaLite as VL
import IHaskell.Display.Hvega (vlShow)
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Pipes (Producer, (>->))
import qualified Pipes as P
import Pipes.Prelude (unfoldr)
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
import Data.Ord
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Numeric.Log
import Data.Vector qualified as V
:e PackageImports
import "matrix" Data.Matrix hiding ((!))
import Data.Vector.Generic as VG (Vector, map, mapM, null, sum, (!))
:l ../plotting.hs
A Producer
represents a stream of data, and a Pipe
maps one stream to another. Both are parametrized by a monad m
, which in our case will be MonadDistribution m => m
For example, a random walk with a Gaussian transition
kernel can be written as follows:
-- how to move from one latent state to the next
transition :: MonadDistribution m => V.Vector Double -> m (V.Vector Double)
transition vector = mvNormal (fmap (+0.5) vector) (fromLists [[1,0], [0,1]])
-- (normal (x+0.5) 1) (normal (y+0.5) 1)
-- a Markovian random walk starting at (0,0), with latentTransition as the kernel
-- a Producer is an infinite stream of values
prior :: MonadDistribution m => Producer (V.Vector Double) m r
prior = flip P.unfoldr (V.fromList [0,0]) $ \s ->
Right <$> do
new <- transition s
return (new, new)
It's straightforward to take the first n
steps of this infinite stream, and convert it into a distribution over finite list, from which we can then sample:
-- convert the stream to a list, taking only the first 100 steps
toList :: Monad m => P.Producer a m () -> m [a]
toList prod = P.toListM (prod >-> P.take 100)
trueVectors <- sampleIOfixed $ toList prior
(fmap (\v -> (v V.! 0, v V.! 1)) $ trueVectors)
(replicate 100 (T.pack "Latent")))
We can also produce a stream of observations from prior
, each a noisy perturbation of the datapoint in question, by using a Pipe
observationModel = (`mvNormal` fromLists [[20,0],[0,20]])
observations :: MonadDistribution m => P.Pipe (V.Vector Double) (V.Vector Double) m ()
observations = P.mapM observationModel
observedVectors <- sampleIOfixed $ toList $ P.each trueVectors >-> observations
(fmap (\v -> (v V.! 0, v V.! 1)) $ trueVectors <> observedVectors)
(replicate 100 (T.pack "Latent") <> replicate 100 (T.pack "Observed")))
But most interestingly, we can update our prior, based on a stream of incoming observations. conditioning
below takes two Producer
s, the stream corresponding to the prior (see prior
above) and the stream corresponding to the observations (P.each observedVectors
, where P.each
lifts a list to a stream), and a likelihood, and returns a posterior, also expressed as a stream.
-- take the original random walk as a prior and condition on the observations
-- to obtain a posterior random walk
conditioning :: MonadMeasure m =>
P.Producer (V.Vector Double) m () ->
P.Producer (V.Vector Double) m () ->
((V.Vector Double, V.Vector Double) -> m ()) ->
P.Producer (V.Vector Double) m ()
conditioning prior observations observationModel = prior observations
>-> P.chain observationModel
>-> fst
posterior :: MonadMeasure m => m [V.Vector Double]
posterior = toList $ conditioning
(P.each observedVectors)
(\(v, v') -> do
prediction <- observationModel v
let (x, y, x', y') = (prediction V.! 0, prediction V.! 1, v' V.! 0, v' V.! 1)
factor $ normalPdf x 2 x' * normalPdf y 2 y' )
We can then use an inference method of our liking:
particles <- sampleIOfixed $ runPopulation $
smc SMCConfig {
numSteps = 100,
numParticles = 1000,
resampler = resampleMultinomial}
inferredVectors = fst =<< particles
(fmap (\v -> (v V.! 0, v V.! 1)) $ trueVectors <> inferredVectors)
(replicate 100 (T.pack "True") <> replicate 1000 (T.pack "Inferred")))