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Implementation guide

This document assumes the reader is familiar with the basics of Bayesian probability theory, basic Haskell (the syntax, the type system, do-notation, monad transformers), and how to specify distributions in monad-bayes (see the docs)

That's enough to understand the core ideas, but for the more advanced content, you'll also want to feel comfortable enough with Haskell's type system that free monads, free monad transformers, and coroutines aren't a barrier to entry. And of course, to understand how inference methods like MCMC and SMC are implemented, it doesn't hurt to understand how they work in a statistical sense.


Monad-Bayes is the codebase accompanying the theory of probabilistic programming described in this paper.

The core typeclasses

The library relies on two core typeclasses MonadDistribution and MonadFactor. MonadMeasure is simply the union of the two, that is:

(MonadDistribution m, MonadFactor m) => MonadMeasure m

You can find these in Control.Monad.Bayes.Class.


Here is MonadDistribution:

class Monad m => MonadDistribution m where
  random :: m Double

This one method, random, represents a uniform distribution over \([0,1]\). (MonadDistribution actually has a few other distributions, but that's not essential.)

What comes next is clever: you can define any other distribution you like in terms of random. As an example:

bernoulli :: MonadDistribution m => m Bool
bernoulli p = fmap (< p) random

That one is pretty simple. As a more complex example, here's how a normal distribution is defined:

normal m s = fmap (quantile (normalDistr m s)) random

normalDistr comes from a separate library Statistics.Distribution.Normal and quantile (normalDistr m s) :: Double -> Double is the inverse CDF of the normal, a deterministic function.

Again, to emphasize: all of our randomness can be reduced to draws from a uniform distribution over the interval \([0,1]\).

So we now have a way of constructing distributions in a monadic fashion. As a simple example:

example :: MonadDistribution m => m Double
example = do
    x <- random
    y <- uniform 0 x
    return (x + y > 1.5)

Think of this as the procedure of first sampling uniformly from \([0,1]\), then from \([0,x]\), and then returning the Boolean \(x + y > 1.5\). More precisely, this is the marginal probability of \(x + y > 1.5\).

Technical note: MonadDistribution actually contains a number of other distributions beyond random, which by default are defined in terms of random, but allow for different definitions when desired. For example, Sampler (an instance of MonadDistribution in Control.Monad.Sampler) defines normal and other distributions independently of random.


Here's MonadFactor.

class Monad m => MonadFactor m where
  score :: Log Double -> m ()

Log Double is defined in Numeric.Log, and is a wrapper for Doubles which does multiplication in log-space. It comes with Exp :: a -> Log a and ln :: Log a -> a. This is because we don't want numerical problems when multiplying tiny probabilities, and we want a hassle free typesafe separation of doubles and log-doubles.

Inference transformers

Now core idea of monad-bayes is that various monads will be made to be instances of MonadDistribution, MonadFactor or both (i.e. an instance of MonadMeasure), and different inference algorithms will be written using these instances. This separates the specification of the model (which happens abstractly in MonadMeasure) from the inference algorithm, which takes place in on of the concrete instances. The clever part of monad-bayes is that it allows this instances to be constructed in a modular way, using monad transformers. In the paper, these are termed inference transformers to emphasize that it doesn't really matter whether they satisfy the monad laws.

For example, to run weighted rejection sampling on a probabilistic program p, we can write (sampler . weighted) p. Here, (sampler . weighted) :: Weighted SamplerIO a -> IO a. So p gets understood as being of type Weighted SamplerIO, a type we'll encounter soon.

Some of these transformers are easy to understand (like StateT Double, while others (like the Church transformed Free monad transformer) lie on the more advanced side of things. The following tour of these types goes from easy to hard.


Summary of key info:

  • Enumerator :: Type -> Type
  • instance MonadDistribution Enumerator
  • instance MonadFactor Enumerator

Enumerator is in Control.Monad.Bayes.Enumerator, defined as follows:

newtype Enumerator a = 
    Enumerator (WriterT (Product (Log Double)) [] a)

This merits a little unpacking. First, Product is a wrapper from Data.Monoid which makes the semigroup operator for numbers be multiplication, so that:

Product 2 <> Product 3 == Product 6`

Unpacking the definition of Enumerator a, it is isomorphic to:

[(a, (Product (Log Double)))]

So, a value of type Enumerator Bool, for instance, is a list of pairs of booleans along with a double, like:


Also in Control.Monad.Bayes.Enumerator is a function enumerator, which has type:

enumerator :: Ord a => Enumerator a -> [(a, Double)]

We can write enumerator sprinkler. Why is this well typed? The idea is that sprinkler has type forall m. MonadMeasure m => m Bool, and we instantiate that m as Enumerator.

But for this to be well-typed, we need Enumerator to be an instance of MonadMeasure. For that, we need Enumerator to be a MonadDistribution, and a MonadFactor. For that, we need it to be a Monad, and in turn, a Functor. In understanding these instance definition, we'll understand what what Enumerator is doing for us.

Enumerator is a monad automatically, because WriterT a m is a monad for a a monoid and m a monad. As needed, [] is a monad and Log Double is a monoid. But what does that monad actually do?

For instance, if I have a weighted list l like [(False,0.8914),(True,0.1086)] and a function f :: Bool -> Enumerator a, what is l >>= f? It takes each element in l, and passes it through f, to obtain a weighted list of weighted lists. Then it flattens it, by including each element in the inner lists in the resulting list, with the weight of the list multiplied by the weight of the element. As for return x, it gives the singleton list containing the pair of x and the unit of the product monoid, i.e. [(x, 1.0)].

This is the essence of propagating probability forward.

What remains is to define the MonadDistribution and MonadFactor instances:

instance MonadDistribution Enumerator where
  random = error "Infinitely supported random variables not supported in Enumerator"
  bernoulli p = fromList [(True, (Exp . log) p), (False, (Exp . log) (1 - p))]

The first thing to notice is that random is actually not defined for Enumerator, and consequently, you can't handle any continuous distributions. This makes sense, because you can't represent continuous distributions (whose support is uncountably infinite) as a list of samples.

So really Enumerator isn't very general purpose. It's best understood as a didactic tool, rather than a real world inference algorithm.

But it can handle discrete distributions. It does this via bernoulli (as well as categorical, which I've omitted). bernoulli p constructs the weighted list corresponding to a bernoulli distribution with parameter p.

And the MonadFactor instance:

instance MonadFactor Enumerator where
  score w = fromList [((), w)]

Finally, enumerator simply unwraps Enumerator to get a list of pairs of values and their weights, and then normalizes them into probabilities. It orders the list, which is why enumerator requires an Ord instance.

To see how this all works together, consider:

example = do
  x <- bernoulli 0.5
  condition x
  return x

From the way the MonadDistribution instance for Enumerator is defined, bernoulli 0.5 is a list of two pairs: [(True, 0.5), (False, 0.5)]. Using the Monad instance, the next line multiplies each of the masses by a number (0 for True, 1 for False). The final line multiplies both by 1.0. And then enumerator normalizes the result. So the ensuing distribution from enumerator example is {True : 1.0}.


Summary of key info on SamplerIO:

  • SamplerIO :: Type -> Type
  • instance MonadDistribution SamplerIO
  • No instance for MonadFactor

Monad-Bayes actually provides a more general constructor:

newtype Sampler g m a = Sampler (ReaderT g m a)

SamplerIO just specializes g, which is the random number generator, and m, the IO-handling monad:

type SamplerIO = Sampler (IOGenM StdGen) IO

But you can specialize many other ways (see the random package), depending on your use case.

As the names suggest, SamplerIO instantiates an abstract distribution as a sampling procedure. We have

instance MonadDistribution (Sampler g m) where
  random = Sampler (ReaderT uniformDouble01M)

  uniform a b = Sampler (ReaderT $ uniformRM (a, b))
  normal m s = Sampler (ReaderT (MWC.normal m s))
  gamma shape scale = Sampler (ReaderT $ MWC.gamma shape scale)
  beta a b = Sampler (ReaderT $ MWC.beta a b)


Were the lines from uniform to beta commented out, they would be instantiated with the defaults defined in terms of random in the MonadDistribution class. The reason they are not is that there are more statistically efficient ways to sample.

We can unpack values from SamplerIO a using sampler :: SamperIO a -> IO a. So for example:

print =<< sampler random

will print a sample from random. Similarly for other distributions.

But note that SamplerIO only has a MonadDistribution instance. This means that sampler sprinkler does not type check and gives the type error:

No instance for (MonadMeasure SamplerIO)

This is to be expected. SamplerIO has no instance for MonadFactor.

Weighted m

Summary of key info on Weighted:

  • Weighted :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type)
  • instance MonadDistribution m => MonadMeasure (Weighted m)
  • instance MonadFactor (Weighted m)
newtype Weighted m a = Weighted (StateT (Log Double) m a)

A key difference to Enumerator and SamplerIO is the kind of Weighted: it takes a type m :: Type -> Type as an argument.

Weighted m is isomorphic to:

Log Double -> m (a, Log Double)

Some intuition for what this means comes from the MonadFactor instance:

instance Monad m => MonadFactor (Weighted m) where
  score w = Weighted (modify (* w))

So if we write:

example :: MonadDistribution m => Weighted m Bool
example = do
    x <- bernoulli 0.5
    score (if b then 1 else 0)
    return x

then the result is that first, we draw a sample from a Bernoulli distribution from the underlying distribution m, and then multiply the state (which is a Log Double) by a number which depends on that sample. For convenience, we write condition b = score (if b then 1 else 0).

To unpack from Weighted m a, we use:

weighted :: Weighted m a -> m (a, Log Double)
weighted (Weighted m) = runStateT m 1

Weighted m is not an instance of MonadDistribution, but only as instance of MonadFactor (and that, only when m is an instance of Monad). However, since StateT is a monad transformer, there is a function lift :: m Double -> Weighted m Double.

So if we take a MonadDistribution instance like SamplerIO, then Weighted SamplerIO is an instance of both MonadDistribution and MonadFactor. Which means it is an instance of MonadMeasure.

So we can successfully write (sampler . weighted) sprinkler and get a program of type IO (Bool, Log Double). When run, this will draw a sample from sprinkler along with an unnormalized density for that sample.

It's worth stopping here to remark on what's going on. What has happened is that the m in forall m. MonadMeasure m => m Bool has been instantiated as Weighted SamplerIO. This is an example of how the interpreters for inference can be composed in modular ways.

Finally, there's a function

hoist :: (forall x. m x -> n x) -> Weighted m a -> Weighted n a

This takes a natural transformation m ~> n and lifts it into a natural transformation Weighted m ~> Weighted n. Most of the inference transformers have an analogous hoist function.


Summary of key info on Population:

  • Population :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type)
  • instance MonadDistribution m => instance MonadDistribution (Population m)
  • instance MonadFactor m => instance MonadFactor (Population m)
newtype Population m a = Population (Weighted (ListT m) a)


Population m a ~ m [Log Double -> (a, Log Double)]

Note that while ListT isn't in general a valid monad transformer, we're not requiring it to be one here.

Population is used to represent a collection of particles (in the statistical sense), along with their weights.

There are several useful functions associated with it:

spawn :: Monad m => Int -> Population m ()
spawn n = fromWeightedList $ pure $ replicate n ((), 1 / fromIntegral n)

spawn spawns new particles. As an example:

enumerator $ population (spawn 2)



Observe how here we have interpreted (spawn 2) as of type Population Enumerator ().

resampleGeneric takes a function to probabilistically select a set of indices from a vector, and makes a new population by selecting those indices.

resampleGeneric ::
  MonadDistribution m =>
    (V.Vector Double -> m [Int]) ->
    Population m a ->
    Population m a

pushEvidence, to quote the API docs, "normalizes the weights in the population, while at the same time incorporating the sum of the weights as a score in m."

pushEvidence ::
  MonadFactor m =>
  Population m a ->
  Population m a

In other words, pushEvidence takes a Population m a where m is a MonadFactor instance. It takes the sum of the weights, divides the weights by it, and then factors by the sum in m.


Summary of key info on Sequential:

  • Sequential :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type)
  • instance MonadDistribution m => instance MonadDistribution (Sequential m)
  • instance MonadFactor m => instance MonadFactor (Sequential m)
newtype Sequential m a = 
    Sequential {runSequential :: Coroutine (Await ()) m a}

This is a wrapper for the Coroutine type applied to the Await constructor from Control.Monad.Coroutine, which is defined thus:

newtype Coroutine s m r = Coroutine {
   resume :: m (Either (s (Coroutine s m r)) r)

newtype Await x y = Await (x -> y)

Unpacking that:

Sequential m a ~ m (Either (() -> Sequential m a) a)

As usual, m is going to be some other probability monad, so understand Sequential m a as representing a program which, after making a random choice or doing conditioning, we either obtain an a value, or a paused computation, which when resumed gets us back to a new Sequential m a.

(For more on coroutines, see the final article in:

The monad instance for coroutines is as follows:

instance (Functor s, Monad m) => Monad (Coroutine s m) where
   return = pure
   t >>= f = Coroutine (resume t >>= apply f)
      where apply fc (Right x) = resume (fc x)
            apply fc (Left s) = return (Left (fmap (>>= fc) s))

The MonadDistribution instance follows from lift : m a -> Coroutine (Await ()) m a, defined as:

instance Functor s => MonadTrans (Coroutine s) where
   lift = Coroutine . liftM Right

The MonadFactor instance has less trivial content:

-- | Execution is 'suspend'ed after each 'score'.
instance MonadFactor m => MonadFactor (Sequential m) where
  score w = lift (score w) >> suspend

First you take a score in the underlying MonadFactor instance, and then you suspend, which means:

-- | A point where the computation is paused.
suspend :: Monad m => Sequential m ()
suspend = Sequential (Coroutine (return (Left (Await return))))

We can move to the next suspension point with:

advance :: Monad m => Sequential m a -> Sequential m a
advance = Sequential . bounce extract . runSequential

and move through all with:

-- | Remove the remaining suspension points.
finish :: Monad m => Sequential m a -> m a
finish = pogoStick extract . runSequential

But most importantly, we can apply a natural transformation over the underlying monad m to only the current suspension.

hoistFirst :: (forall x. m x -> m x) -> Sequential m a -> Sequential m a
hoistFirst f = Sequential . Coroutine . f . resume . runSequential

When m is Population n for some other n, then resampleGeneric gives us one example of the natural transformation we want. In other words, operating in Sequential (Population n) works, and not only works but does something statistically interesting: particle filtering (aka SMC).

Note: the running of Sequential, i.e. getting from Sequential m a to m a is surprisingly subtle, and there are many incorrect ways to do it, such as plain folds of the recursive structure. These can result in a semantics in which the transformation gets applied an exponentially large number of times.


Summary of key info on Density:

  • Density :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type)
  • instance MonadDistribution (Density m)
  • No instance for MonadFactor

A trace of a program of type MonadDistribution m => m a is an execution of the program, so a choice for each of the random values. Recall that random underlies all of the random values in a program, so a trace for a program is fully specified by a list of Doubles, giving the value of each call to random.

With this in mind, a Density m a is an interpretation of a probabilistic program as a function from a trace to the density of that execution of the program.

Monad-bayes offers two implementations, in Control.Monad.Bayes.Density.State and Control.Monad.Bayes.Density.Free. The first is slow but easy to understand, the second is more sophisticated, but faster.

The former is relatively straightforward: the MonadDistribution instance implements random as getting the trace (using get from MonadState), using (and removing) the first element (put from MonadState), and writing that element to the output (using tell from MonadWriter). If the trace is empty, the random from the underlying monad is used, but the result is still written with tell.

The latter is best understood if you're familiar with the standard use of a free monad to construct a domain specific language. For probability in particular, see this blog post. Here's the definition:

newtype SamF a = Random (Double -> a)
newtype Density m a = 
    Density {density :: FT SamF m a}

instance Monad m => MonadDistribution (Density m) where
  random = Density $ liftF (Random id)

The monad-bayes implementation uses a more efficient implementation of FreeT, namely FT from the free package, known as the Church transformed Free monad. This is a technique explained in But that only changes the operational semantics - performance aside, it works just the same as the standard FreeT datatype.

If you unpack the definition, you get:

Density m a ~ m (Either a (Double -> (Density m a)))

Since FreeT is a transformer, we can use lift to get a MonadDistribution instance.

density is then defined using the folding pattern iterFT, which interprets SamF in the appropriate way:

density :: MonadDistribution m => [Double] -> Density m a -> m (a, [Double])
density randomness (Density m) =
  runWriterT $ evalStateT (iterTM f $ hoistFT lift m) randomness
    f (Random k) = do
      -- This block runs in StateT [Double] (WriterT [Double]) m.
      -- StateT propagates consumed randomness while WriterT records
      -- randomness used, whether old or new.
      xs <- get
      x <- case xs of
        [] -> random
        y : ys -> put ys >> return y
      tell [x]
      k x

This takes a list of Doubles (a representation of a trace), and a probabilistic program like example, and gives back a SamplerIO (Bool, [Double]). At each call to random in example, the next double in the list is used. If the list of doubles runs out, calls are made to random using the underlying monad.


Summary of key info on Traced:

  • Traced :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type)
  • instance MonadDistribution m => MonadDistribution (Traced m)
  • instance MonadFactor m => MonadFactor (Traced m)

Traced m is actually several related interpretations, each built on top of Density. These range in complexity.

The reason traces are relevant here is that monad-bayes implements a version of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) that operates on arbitrary probabilistic programs often referred to as trace MCMC. The idea is that the MCMC chain takes place on traces of the program. A step constitutes a change to this trace, i.e. to the list of Doubles. For instance, the algorithm for an MH step goes as follows:

  • propose a new trace by randomly redrawing a single Double in the trace
  • accept or reject with the MH criterion

It's convenient to specify a trace not just as a [Double] but also with the resulting output, and the density of that output. This is what monad-bayes does:

data Trace a = Trace
    variables :: [Double],
    output :: a,
    density :: Log Double

We also need a specification of the probabilistic program in question, free of any particular interpretation. That is precisely what Density is for.

The simplest version of Traced is in Control.Monad.Bayes.Traced.Basic

Traced m a ~ (Density Identity a, Log Double), m (Trace a))

A Traced interpretation of a model is a particular run of the model with its corresponding probability, alongside a distribution over Trace info, which records: the value of each call to random, the value of the final output, and the density of this program trace.

This machinery allows us to implement MCMC (see inference methods below for details).


Summary of key info:

  • Integrator :: Type -> Type
  • instance MonadDistribution Integrator

Integrator is in Control.Monad.Bayes.Integrator, defined as follows:

newtype Integrator a = Integrator {getCont :: Cont Double a}

This MonadDistribution instance interprets a probabilistic program as a numerical integrator. For a nice explanation, see this blog post.

Integrator a is isomorphic to (a -> Double) -> Double. A program model of type Integrator a will take a function f and calculate \(E_{p}[f] = \int f(x)*p(x)\) where \(p\) is the density of model.

The integral for the expectation is performed by quadrature, using the tanh-sinh approach. For example, random :: Integrator Double is the program which takes a function f and integrates f over the \((0,1)\) range.

We can calculate the probability for an interval $(a,b)4 of any model of type Integrator Double by setting f to be the function that returns \(1\) for that range, else \(0\). Similarly for the CDF, MGF and so on.

Inference methods under the hood

Exact inference

Exact inference is nothing more than the use of the Enumerator instance of MonadMeasure. It should be noted that this is not a particularly efficient or clever version of exact inference.

For example, consider:

example = replicateM 100 $ do
  x <- bernoulli 0.5
  condition x
  return x

Doing enumerator example will create a list of \(2^{100}\) entries, all but one of which have \(0\) mass. (See below for a way to perform this inference efficiently).

The main purpose of Enumerator is didactic, as a way to understand simple discrete distributions in full. In addition, you can use it in concert with transformers like Weighted, to get a sense of how they work. For example, consider:

example = do
  x <- bernoulli 0.5
  condition x
  return x

(enumerator . weighted) example gives [((False,0.0),0.5),((True,1.0),0.5)]. This is quite edifying for understanding (sampler . weighted) example. What it says is that there are precisely two ways the program will run, each with equal probability: either you get False with weight 0.0 or True with weight 1.0.


As described on the section on Integrator, we can interpret our probabilistic program of type MonadDistribution m => m a as having concrete type Integrator a. This views our program as an integrator, allowing us to calculate expectations, probabilities and so on via quadrature (i.e. numerical approximation of an integral).

This can also handle programs of type MonadMeasure m => m a, that is, programs with factor statements. For these cases, a function normalize :: Weighted Integrator a -> Integrator a is employed. For example,

model :: MonadMeasure m => m Double
model = do
  var <- gamma 1 1
  n <- normal 0 (sqrt var)
  condition (n > 0)
  return var

is really an unnormalized measure, rather than a probability distribution. normalize views it as of type Weighted Integrator Double, which is isomorphic to (Double -> (Double, Log Double) -> Double). This can be used to compute the normalization constant, and divide the integrator's output by it, all within Integrator.

Independent forward sampling

For any program of type p = MonadDistribution m => m a, we may do sampler p or runST $ sampleSTfixed p. Note that if there are any calls to factor in the program, then it cannot have type MonadDistribution m.

Independent weighted sampling


example :: MonadMeasure m => m Bool
example = do
  x <- bernoulli 0.5
  condition x
  return x

(weighted . sampler) example :: IO (Bool, Log Double) returns a tuple of a truth value and a probability mass (or more generally density). How does this work? Types are clarifying:

run = 
  (sampler :: SamplerIO (a, Log Double) -> IO (a, Log Double) )
  . (weighted ::  Weighted SamplerIO a -> SamplerIO (a, Log Double)

In other words, the program is being interpreted in the Weighted SamplerIO instance of MonadMeasure.

Metropolis Hastings MCMC

The version of MCMC in monad-bayes performs its random walk on program traces of type Trace a. The motivation for doing this is that any probabilistic program can then be used with MCMC entirely automatically.

A single step in this chain (in Metropolis Hasting MCMC) looks like this:

mhTrans :: MonadDistribution m => (Weighted (State.Density m)) a -> Trace a -> m (Trace a)
mhTrans m t@Trace {variables = us, probDensity = p} = do
  let n = length us
  us' <- do
    i <- discrete $ discreteUniformAB 0 (n - 1)
    u' <- random
    case splitAt i us of
      (xs, _ : ys) -> return $ xs ++ (u' : ys)
      _ -> error "impossible"
  ((b, q), vs) <- State.density (weighted m) us'
  let ratio = (exp . ln) $ min 1 (q * fromIntegral n / (p * fromIntegral (length vs)))
  accept <- bernoulli ratio
  return $ if accept then Trace vs b q else t

Our probabilistic program is interpreted in the type Weighted (Density m) a, which is an instance of MonadMeasure. We use this to define our kernel on traces. We begin by perturbing the list of doubles contained in the trace by selecting a random position in the list and resampling there. We could do this proposal in a variety of ways, but here, we do so by choosing a double from the list at random and resampling it (hence, single site trace MCMC). We then run the program on this new list of doubles; ((b,q), vs) is the outcome, probability, and result of all calls to random, respectively (recalling that the list of doubles may be shorter than the number of calls to random). The value of these is probabilistic in the underlying monad m. We then use the MH criterion to decide whether to accept the new list of doubles as our trace.

MH is then easily defined as taking steps with this kernel, in the usual fashion. Note that it works for any probabilistic program whatsoever.

Warning: the default proposal is single site, meaning that you change one random number in the trace at a time. As a result, the proposal may not be ergodic for models with hard constraints. As a simple example, suppose that you're doing a random walk, and trying to get from a trace corresponding to the output (True, True) to a trace corresponding to (False, False). But if (False, True) and (True, False) have no probability, you have no hope of getting there. Don't expect MCMC to be efficient without designing your own proposal, or even correct when the proposal is not ergodic.

Sequential Importance Sampling

This is provided by

sequentially ::
  Monad m =>
  -- | transformation
  (forall x. m x -> m x) ->
  -- | number of time steps
  Int ->
  Sequential m a ->
  m a
sequentially f k = finish . composeCopies k (advance . hoistFirst f)

in Control.Monad.Bayes.Sequential.Coroutine. You provide a natural transformation in the underlying monad m, and sequentially applies that natural transformation at each point of conditioning in your program. The main use case is in defining smc, below, but here is a nice didactic use case:

Consider the program:

example = replicateM 100 $ do
  x <- bernoulli 0.5
  condition x
  return x

Naive enumeration, as in enumerator example is enormously and needlessly inefficient, because it will create a \(2^{100}\) size list of possible values. What we'd like to do is to throw away values of x that are False at each condition statement, rather than carrying them along forever.

Suppose we have a function removeZeros :: Enumerator a -> Enumerator a, which removes values of the distribution with \(0\) mass from Enumerator. We can then write enumerator $ sequentially removeZeros 100 $ model to run removeZeros at each of the 100 condition statements, making the algorithm run quickly.

Sequential Monte Carlo

Sequential importance resampling works by doing sequentially with a resampler of your choice, such as resampleMultinomial, after first spawning a set of n particles.

smc ::
  Monad m =>
  -- | resampler
  (forall x. Population m x -> Population m x) ->
  -- | number of timesteps
  Int ->
  -- | population size
  Int ->
  -- | model
  Sequential (Population m) a ->
  Population m a
smc resampler k n = sequentially resampler k . Seq.hoistFirst (spawn n >>)

Particle Marginal Metropolis Hastings

Quoting the monad-bayes paper:

"PMMH is only applicable to models with a specific structure, namely the probabilistic program needs to decompose to a prior over the global parameters m param and the rest of the model param -> m a. Combining these using >>= would yield the complete model of type m a."

"The idea is to do MH on the parameters of the model. Recall that for MH we need to compute the likelihood for the particular values of parameters but that involves integrating over the remaining random variables in the model which is intractable. Fortunately to obtain valid MH it is sufficient to have an unbiased estimator for the likelihood which is produced by a single sample from Weighted. MH with such an estimator is referred to as pseudo-marginal MH. If instead of taking a single weight from Weighted we take the sum of weights from Population we obtain an unbiased estimator with lower variance. In particular if such a Population is a result of smc the resulting algorithm is known as PMMH."

Because of the modularity of monad-bayes, the implementation is remarkably simple, and directly linked to the algorithm:

pmmh mcmcConf smcConf param model =
    ( param
        >>= population
          . pushEvidence
          . Pop.hoist lift
          . smc smcConf
          . model

There's a lot to unpack here. Here's the definition with more types. To shorten the signatures, the synonyms: T = Traced, S = Sequential, P = Population are used:

pmmh ::
  MonadDistribution m =>
  MCMCConfig ->
  SMCConfig (Weighted m) ->
  Traced (Weighted m) a1 ->
  (a1 -> Sequential (Population (Weighted m)) a2) ->
  m [[(a2, Log Double)]]
pmmh mcmcConf smcConf param model =
  (mcmc mcmcConf :: T m [(a, Log Double)] -> m [[(a, Log Double)]])
  ((param :: T m b) >>= 
      (population :: P (T m) a -> T m [(a, Log Double)]) 
      . (pushEvidence :: P (T m) a -> P (T m) a) 
      . Pop.hoist (lift :: forall x. m x -> T m x) 
      . (smc smcConf :: S (P m) a -> P m a) 
      . (model :: b -> S (P m) a))

(Note that this uses the version of mcmc that uses the Traced representation from Control.Monad.Bayes.Traced.Static.)

To understand this, note that the outer algorithm is just mcmc. But the probabilistic program that we pass to mcmc does the following: run param to get values for the parameters and then pass these to model. Then run n steps of SMC with k particles. Then lift the underlying monad m into Traced m. Then calculate the sum of the weights of the particles and factor on this (this is what pushEvidence does). This factor takes place in Traced m, so it is "visible" to mcmc.

Resample-Move Sequential Monte Carlo

The paper introducing monad-bayes has this to say about resample-move SMC:

"A common problem with particle filters is that of particle degeneracy, where after resampling many particles are the same, effectively reducing the sample size. One way to ameliorate this problem is to introduce rejuvenation moves, where after each resampling we apply a number of MCMC transitions to each particle independently, thus spreading them around the space. If we use an MCMC kernel that preserves the target distribution at a given step, the resulting algorithm is correct"

monad-bayes provides three versions of RMSMC, each of which uses one of the three Traced implementations respectively. Here is the simplest, which I have annotated with types. To shorten the signatures, the synonyms: T = Traced, S = Sequential, P = Population are used:

rmsmcBasic ::
  MonadDistribution m =>
  MCMCConfig ->
  SMCConfig m ->
  -- | model
  S (T (P m)) a ->
  P m a
rmsmc (MCMCConfig {..}) (SMCConfig {..}) =
  (TrBas.marginal :: T (P m) a -> P m a )
  . sequentially 
      (composeCopies numMCMCSteps TrBas.mhStep :: T (P m) a -> T (P m) a )
      . TrBas.hoist (resampleSystematic :: P m a -> P m a ) ) 
  . (S.hoistFirst (TrBas.hoist (spawn numParticles >>)) :: S (T (P m)) a -> S (T (P m)) a ))

What is this doing? Recall that S m a represents an m of coroutines over a. Recall that Traced m a represents an m of traced computations of a. Recall that P m a represents an m of a list of as.

This means that an S (T (P m)) a is a program "interpreted as a population of traced coroutines". The paper adds that this "allows us to apply MH transitions to partially executed coroutines, which is exactly what we require for the rejuvenation steps."

So the algorithm works by creating n particles, and at each of the first k calls to factor, first resampling the population and then for each particle in the population, doing an MH-MCMC walk for t steps to update it.

Sequential Monte Carlo Squared

This combines RMSMC and PMMH. That is, it is RMSMC, but for the MCMC rejuvenation procedure, PMMH is used instead of MH.

There is one slight complication here, related to the fact that the MTL style effect system approach requires newtypes when more than one of a given effect appears in a stack, in order to differentiate them.